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About SSS

At Sharing Sacred Spaces, we use a community-building structure focusing on the vehicles of architecture and space to bring people together in a compelling, non-threatening way.

We use space as a community-building tool because space includes both built forms and their contexts. Every space contains within it some kind of belief system, some kind of value system, and some kind of communal story. Space is also physical, and one responds to being invited in, received, and welcomed with hospitality. This is a visceral phenomenon that generates lasting emotional memories of belonging.  

We include “sacred” in our name because sacred means ironically both “full of presence” and “forbidden.” When we enter the world of another, we enter into different territory, and herein lies the possibility to open our eyes and see things anew. We get to see and hear beauty—sometimes sorrow—and this opens a much fuller understanding of what it is to be human. There is no other program—whether its diversity and inclusion, interfaith, intercultural—that utilizes the compelling vehicle of architecture to bring people together and through this process of discovery and deepened understanding. 

Our History 

Since September 11, 2001, Sharing Sacred Spaces has convened, connected, and accompanied religious congregations in building local, sustainable interreligious communities that stand the test of time and work together for peace and civic change.

The effectiveness of our process has convinced us to enter into new contexts. You will find us, in 2021, building the next generation of inclusive leaders through inter-high school cohorts and branching out into workplaces that want enhanced and sustainable results for their diversity and inclusion efforts. 

I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings.

My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and peace.


Our Mission

Our mission is to overcome bias, misunderstanding and polarization through immersive education and training that makes vivid our common humanity. 


Through innovative uses of sacred space and architecture, we help people, and in particular faith communities, approach and engage differing worldviews. 

Our Mission

Our Vision

A world where religious differences become a leverage for peace and thriving; where people of all faiths welcome each other with warmth and grace; and where an interfaith reservoir of friendship and trust sustains our communities in mutual caring, love, and protection even in the midst of hard times.

Our Values

We dare to do things creatively and differently

We trust in the goodness and power of people

We stand for the inherent worth of all people

We uphold a foundation of dialogue

We strive for all people to feel safe and welcome


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Our office:

1044 North Street

Greenwich, CT 06831

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